Submissions are: open

Here on Elsewhere we publish English-language and translated writing from new, established, or emerging writers and artists in the form of essays, fiction, poetry, interviews, book reviews, music, visual art and photography. We are particularly interested in featuring work from and about places and perspectives that are less well represented, including writing in translation, and experimental or hybrid forms - but we are open to all writing on place so please send us your best work! If you are a translator with English as your target language please feel free to reach out to us too.

As we are an online publication, pieces with a length of 1000-1500 words work best for us, but we are happy to discuss longer pieces of work too. Please submit in an Open Office, Word or PDF format and include a short biography. For translations, please clear translation rights before submitting to Elsewhere. We do not accept multiple submissions at the moment. Copyright of published pieces remains with the author.

Please send submissions on the them of “Trespass” in Word or PDF format to by September 30th.

Please note that we do not pay for contributions, Elsewhere takes no advertising and no member of the Elsewhere team is paid.