Printed Matters #1 - The Gallery

A couple of days, and a couple of sleeps, later and we are able to bring you some images from our first Printed Matters event, held on Saturday afternoon at the wonderful Jää-äär cafe in Berlin. Having opened the book stall at lunchtime with the snow turning to sleet outside the front door, it was a brave and perhaps foolhardy gang who joined Elsewhere editors Paul and Marcel on their wander through the neighbourhood, hearing tales of 19th century industrialisation, the division of the city, punk concerts in the GDR and a first kiss in a cafe where anti-Nazi pamphlets were once printed in the basement.

Once back inside, and warmed by the Estonian schnapps that became something of a theme of the day, it was time to settle down for some readings, conversation and of course browsing of the fourteen different print and publishing projects that had joined us for the afternoon. After Paul and Marcel had led things off with readings from Elsewhere No.02, we welcomed to the stage Nicky Gardner from Hidden Europe, Amanda DeMarco from Readux Books, Ruth Herzberg and Nikola Richter from Mikrotext, Lucy Renner Jones from SAND Journal, and Jacob Sweetman from No Dice Magazine. We are extremely grateful to all our readers, and also the editors and writers from all the projects, as well as everyone who took time to join us for the afternoon.

If you could not make it to Berlin or the Jää-äär on Saturday, over the past week we have been profiling all the participating projects here on the blog, and you can browse the archive here. All that is left to say is thanks again to everyone who dropped by and remember, support independent publishing!