Elsewhere No.01 - Launch Event in Berlin

A few days ago we dropped in to the printers to see how it was all going, and we will be telling that story at some point on the blog soon, but in short everything looks to be going to plan and we will sending out the first issue of Elsewhere: A Journal of Place on the 12th June. Five days later and we will be holding a small launch event here in our home town of Berlin and we would love it if you would join us to celebrate holding the journal in our hands for the first time.

At the event we will also have some readings and conversation with editors and contributors from the first edition, including Paul Scraton, Eve Richens, Paul Sullivan and Tim Woods. The event is taking place on Wednesday 17th June at Cafe Tasso in Berlin-Friedrichshain (Google Maps), a lovely second hand bookshop and cafe, and we will be kicking things off at 8pm. 

We hope to see you there, and those of you who use Facebook it would be great if you could let us know you are coming on the event page so that we can have an idea of numbers... and if you can't make it, don't forget you can order Elsewhere No.01 here and we will send it out to you.